Winter in Full Bloom

Winter in Full Bloom

Winter in Full Bloom
Anita Higman
River North

When I first saw this book, I thought it was a historical novel; however, when I clicked on it, I found out that it was, in fact, a contemporary. Anyway, I shrugged, thought, “why not?” and so requested this title for review.

The book immediately got my attention with the first chapter. Anita Higman’s writing was quirky and relatable, although it was really hard for me to imagine someone spilling their heart out to complete strangers the way Lily did. That just ‘does not compute’ in my mind- I can’t imagine just meeting someone on a plane and then spilling out my heart to them (although I know that does happen!)

This book deals with some heavy issues (most of them family-related) and I wouldn’t recommend it to younger readers for that reason, but also I don’t think it would be as interesting to them, anyway. Winter in Full Bloom still wasn’t quite my cup of tea; it was a lot about relationships, issues with family (especially between mothers & daughters) and then a bit of romance. Sometimes the plot twists seemed a little unlikely, and parts of it, though heartfelt, almost seemed a little sappy.  I get I found it too...emotional for me. Although, considering that the main plot didn’t interest me very much, the book still managed to keep me reading, and luckily it wasn’t overly long.

Rating: 6

revived this book for free from the publisher in exchange for my honest review


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