Burning Sky

Burning Sky   -     
        By: Lori Benton

Burning Sky
Lori Benton
Waterbrook Multnomah

The 18th century New York frontier bred courage in those who survived its perils. Willa Obenchain has courage to spare. Returning to her white parents' abandoned homestead after twelve years of Indian captivity, Willa believes a solitary life is the only way she'll never lose again what's twice been lost: her family, and her heart. As she begins the backbreaking work of reviving her farm, Willa's determined isolation is threatened. First by injured botanist Neil MacGregor, found unconscious on her land, and also by her Mohawk clan brother Joseph Tames-His-Horse, a man who cannot give up the woman he calls Burning Sky. Willa is a woman caught between two worlds and the residents of the nearby frontier village, still reeling from a bloody revolutionary war, are reluctant to welcome her home. As tensions rise, challenging her shielded heart, Willa must find a new courage--the courage to again risk embracing the blessings the Almighty wants to bestow, and answer the question, "am I brave enough to love again?"

I think the thing that struck me about this book was just the fact that it was so well-done, and I could tell that the author really, truly cared about her characters and story. That was big, because this isn't my favorite time/setting, but I ended up really liking the book because the character development was so well done. It is hard to pick a favorite character from Burning Sky, but I admit that I have a soft spot for Francis!

I also must admit that I'm not expert on the time period, but I could tell that this book was well-researched. The author was able to transport me right into the 1780s, all without the book coming across as a history lesson. Overall, I ended up really liking this book, and I can't wait to read any more books that the author comes out with in the future!

Objectionable content: there are a couple kisses, a few difficult themes (such as prejudice, rape, and war) are also present but handled well.

Rating: 9

I received this book for free from the publisher in exchange for my honest review.


  1. Oh, this sounds like a good one! I shall see if I can find it at the library. : )
    I have one question, Hayden- how do you recieve free books from the publisher in exchange for reviews? Is there a way I could possibly do it too? : P Thanks!

    ~Emma Jane

  2. I saw this book at NetGalley and wasn't sure if I was going to request it (prairie novels aren't my favorite setting either), but after reading your review, I probably will!

  3. Emma Jane: There are several publishing companies that have book review programs. You can go to bloggingforbooks.com, Tyndaleblognetwork.com, and netgalley.com for books for review (although Netgalley only does ebooks) Bethany House Publishers also has a review program, but I can't remember the exact address for it. If you go to their website, they should have a tab you can click on that will lead you to their review program. Hope this helps!


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