The Rose of Winslow Street

The Rose of Winslow Street

The Rose of Winslow Street
Elizabeth Camden
Bethany House Publishers

Returning from their summer home, the last thing that 19th-century New Englanders Libby and her father expect to find is a Romanian family inhabiting the house they've lived in for 20 years. But that's exactly what happens---sparking a fierce legal battle as both clans insist the house is rightfully theirs. Can they find common ground?

I wasn’t sure what to expect when I got this book. The first book by Elizabeth Camden that I read was The Lady of Bolton Hill, and though it had some parts I really liked, it wasn’t one of my favorites. On the other hand, I loved Against the Tide. So I wasn’t sure where The Rose of Winslow Street would be on that spectrum. Would I love it, would I find it just okay, or would I find it somewhere in between?

I’m going to admit that at first I didn’t think I was going to like it. It was really hard to like Michael right after he had just barged into someone else’s home and claimed it as his own, even if he did think he had a legal right to it. However, as the book went on, I really started to get into the story (and I actually learned to like Michael, haha).

One thing I really like about Elizabeth Camden’s work is the fact that she’ll throw really original elements into her story. From Libby’s “secret” (the fact that she couldn’t read) to Professor Sawyer’s inventions, to Michael’s perfumes, to the Romanian heritage, it just had so many neat quirks that were new to me and the types of stories I normally read.

So, it turns out that The Rose of Winslow Street was in the middle: while I didn’t love it as much as Against the Tide, I did like it better than The Lady of Bolton Hill. If you’ve read of Elizabeth Camden’s other works, I’m sure you’ll also love The Rose of Winslow Street (and isn’t the cover simply gorgeous???) I can’t wait for the author’s next release, Into the Whirlwind!

Objectionable content: a character was in the past a victim of rape; there are about two kisses.

Rating: 8


  1. That cover is lovely! I think this one was on my reading list already, and it sounds kinda cool. I'm in a bit of a whirlwind myself when it comes to my list--having to respond to so many book review requests and then suddenly finding myself having to get back to my reading list and GASP actually going to read a classic for the first time since--April?

    Anyway. Thank you for giving me new modern fiction to put on my list!

  2. This is my least favorite of Elizabeth's. It's a nice read though. :)


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