Fortress of Mist

Fortress of Mist, Merlin's Immortals Series #2

Fortress of Mist
Sigmund Brouwer
Waterbrook Multnomah

Now that Thomas has conquered Magnus, his work is only beginning. He must rid his land of the dark forces once and for all. But who will stand with him to battle against the powerful Druids? And after being abandoned by his "adopted family," can he trust either Katherine or Isabelle with his secrets---and his heart?

It had been a while since I read the first book in this series, The Orphan King. Though I found the first book okay, I liked this second one much better- I understood it more. However, I definitely recommend reading the first book, because  then this book will make more sense.

Fortress of Mist was on the shorter side, and I read it in one sitting. It definitely kept my interest (which not many fantasies can do) and I also think I’m starting to crack the whole “magic” thing about these books. (It sounds a lot like science….something those in Medieval England definitely do not understand and mistakenly call “magic”)

Rating: 7 ½

I received this book for free from the publisher in exchange for my honest review.


  1. Hi, Hayden! I was wondering if I could use your rating system on my blog to review books, as long as I credit you on my sidebar :)I really like your system!

    1. Sure! I don't mind at all :)

    2. Yay! I'll put it up there soon.... I'm trying to condense my book reviews a little, since I've noticed they don't get many comments or views. I know that I don't like reading really long posts, so I want to make them shorter somehow. Thanks a lot :)


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