A Dangerous Legacy


A Dangerous Legacy
Elizabeth Camden
Bethany House Publishers

Lucy is determined to keep working as a telegraph operator at a news agency, even though the arrival of Sir Colin Beckwith threatens her position. When she discovers Colin's shocking secret, she agrees to assist him if he helps her find her family's stolen inheritance--not realizing that the trail leads into a web of treachery, danger, and conspiracy.

     This book had a lot of what I love about Elizabeth Camden's novels. Her historical settings are always absolutely fabulous, because she actually delves into what was going on politically and culturally in ways that relates to the characters. This book tackled telegraph system, mental asylums, the Panama Canal, early 20th century plumbing... I mean, it was great. And I did really like the mystery. As far as plot goes, it was an A.

     However, I didn't always feel that way about the characters. I liked them at first, but as time went on some of their decisions didn't work for me, and it was enough to overshadow what I did like about them.

     Also, I understand that not everyone shares my convictions about kissing, so it's not usually something I make mention of in my reviews. But the amount of casual kissing in this book really did bother me, because neither of the characters, at that point, had any intention of actually pursuing a relationship. More troubling was the fact that the male character was actually courting someone else at the time!

     This book had just as much of an intriguing premise as Camden's other books. I was never bored, and the plot kept me turning pages. There was a lot to love about A Dangerous Legacy, which is why I'm giving it three stars. I'm sure many readers will love it, it's just that for me, personally, those aspects weren't enough to make this novel truly satisfying in the end.

I received this book for free from the publisher in exchange for my honest review.


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