The Trim Healthy Mama Cookbook


The Trim Healthy Mama Cookbook
Pearl Barrett and Serene Allison

     Having been familiar with the "Trim Healthy Mama" diet through friends, and whose family often receives the Above Rubies magazine, this book interested me.

     I'm not always big on "healthy" food, but these dishes look good. True, some of the ingredients have me raising a brow wondering if the dishes will taste as good as they look, but for anyone with a strict diet or food allergies, I'd definitely recommend checking out this book. Some of the ingredients are things that might be a little obscure, though, and might have you heading to a health food store.

     However, there's a good variety of recipes types (including desserts, of course!) so it's good even for people who, like me, are neither mamas nor particularly healthy.

     I admit I am a little worried about the binding; my copy has barely been used and I can already see the wear on the spine. For a book with so many recipes, I have a feeling it's going to look pretty torn up after just a short while.

I received this book for free from the publisher in exchange for my honest review.


  1. Hi Hayden! I was just curious how you get all of your books. Do you contact the publisher, do they approach you, or are you part of some kind of program? Just wanted to know:)

    1. Hello Elizabeth! I usually get my books through different programs, such as the Tyndale Blogging Program, BloggingForBooks, and other sites. I have a few buttons on my sidebar that should take you to their sites if you click on them. I might do a more in-depth post of book reviewing, if anyone is interested in that. :)


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