The Lost Heiress


The Lost Heiress
Roseanna M. White
Bethany House Publishers

Brook Eden has never known where she truly belongs. Though raised in the palace of Monaco, she’s British by birth and was brought to the Grimaldis under suspicious circumstances as a babe. When Brook’s friend Justin uncovers the fact that Brook is likely a missing heiress from Yorkshire, Brook leaves the sun of the Mediterranean to travel to the moors of the North Sea to the estate of her supposed family.

The mystery of her mother’s death haunts her, and though her father is quick to accept her, the rest of the family and the servants of Whitby Park are not. Only when Brook’s life is threatened do they draw close—but their loyalty may come too late to save Brook from the same threat that led to tragedy for her mother.

As heir to a dukedom, Justin is no stranger to balancing responsibilities. When the matters of his estate force him far from Brook, the distance between them reveals that what began as friendship has grown into something much more. But how can their very different loyalties and responsibilities ever come together?

And then, for a second time, the heiress of Whitby Park is stolen away because of the very rare treasure in her possession—and this time only the servants of Whitby can save her.

   After reading The Culper Ring series by Roseanna White, I knew I could look forward to any other books of hers. Of course, being also a reviewer for Bethany House, I couldn't help but be excited when I saw this series!

   The Lost Heiress is a lovely bit of escapism, bringing to mind the elegance of a Downton-Abbey-like setting mixed with the fairy-tale-ish plot of Fox's Anastasia. (It reminded me at times of Lori Wick's The Hawk and the Jewel,too, except better written) I admit I was a little worried when I saw the large cast list at the beginning of the book, but despite my early-on misgivings, the introductions of the characters were done well, so I never got anyone confused. I'm also fond of multiple POVs anyway, so that didn't bother me.

   While I liked Justin and Brook, I also loved many of the secondary characters- Especially Brook's father (he was such a dear!) and the flirtatious but good-hearted Brice (and the next book in the series is about him- hooray!) Any complaints I'd have would be a few more-than-necessary kisses and the ending seemed a tad bit more dragged out than needed. Also, I do admit that I probably liked the first half of the book more than the second half, simply because I liked seeing Brook become acquainted with her biological family.

   Overall, though, I'm anticipating the next two books in the series: The Reluctant Duchess and The Waiting Lady. Can't wait!

Rating: 8 1/2

I received this book courtesy of the author and publisher in exchange for my honest review.


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