Siren's Fury


Siren's Fury
Mary Weber
Thomas Nelson

After a slight disappointment with the first book in this series, I admit I came into Siren's Fury with mixed feelings. I had hope that it would be better than the first book, but let's face it: most every trilogy suffers from that dreaded middle book slump. So I tried not to let my expectations get too high.

However, I was really, pleasantly surprised. I did like Siren's Fury better than Storm Siren! Part of the fact might have been because I felt that the writing was smoother and things seemed to click in place a little better. The worldbuilding still wasn't the book's strong point, but I felt like I had a better grasp of the setting here.

The characterizations were also enjoyable. While Nym isn't always exactly likable, I loved Princess Rasha and believe it or not, I felt like one of the best done characters was Myles. How did that happen??? Also, there was less romance which, for me anyway, was a plus.

However, even though this is by a Christian publisher, I still wouldn't label it "Christian fiction." There's nothing too terrible, but it's not one for younger readers- it can be violent, and magic is involved. (There is one scene where Nym goes to see a witch to get her help. *SPOILER* this is ultimately seen as a bad thing, but the scene was creepy and something a Christian reader might wish to be aware of *END OF SPOILER*)

It did take me a few chapters to really get into, but I did enjoy this book, and I'm looking forward to reading the conclusion to this series!

Rating: 8

I received this book for free from the publisher in exchange for my honest review.


  1. Glad you enjoyed, Hayden. Eager to read this one. :)


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