New Look

     A Tree, A Book, and A Breeze has undergone a long overdue makeover. (And in revamping it, I also discovered that there are new blogger templates! Amazing.)

     Also, one thing you may have noticed is that lately I've been leaving off official "ratings" on my reviews- this is because I'm continually frustrated by whether or not I'm giving out good ones. I always feel like I'm either being too generous or to harsh, and since I generally am a more picky reader, I was beginning to think my continual refusal to hand out 10 stars might be a little depressing for all of you! So, I've simply been leaving the star ratings off. However, if you are a tried-and-true fan of the star system, head over to my Goodreads page and follow my reviews there, since I still use them on that site.

     So, have a look around! Hopefully everything is organized in a manner better and more convenient than before.


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