A Daring Sacrifice


A Daring Sacrifice
Jody Hedlund

In a reverse twist on the Robin Hood story, a young medieval maiden stands up for the rights of the mistreated, stealing from the rich to give to the poor. All the while, she fights against her cruel uncle who has taken over the land that is rightfully hers. Forced to live in the woods and hide with the poor people she's grown to love, she works to save and protect them, but she never anticipates falling in love with the wealthy knight who represents all she's come to despise.

     I've thought long and hard about this review, because I think this is a book that I shouldn't have selected to review. I read the previous book in this series (An Uncertain Choice) and didn't overly care for it, which is probably a good indicator that I wouldn't like the second book in the series, either. But A Daring Sacrifice had a synopsis about a reverse Robin Hood, and well...I kind of have a weakness for Robin Hood stories.However, if you read and loved An Uncertain Choice, you probably won't want to read this review or put much stock in it, since many of the problems I had with that book popped up in this one, too.

     It was really a struggle to get through this one. Part of this might be because it's geared to a slightly younger audience, and yet the romance (and torture) is a little strong for that age group, at least in my opinion. In addition to this (and a bit different from the previous book) I didn't really care for the characters in this one. I read the first several chapters of this book and several chapters at the end, but I ended up skimming a section in the middle; I hate doing that with books, especially ones that I've received for review, but sadly, I just had a really hard time with this book. I have enjoyed other books by Jody Hedlund, though, so maybe it's just this series I'm not a big fan of.

Rating: 4

I received this book for free from booksneeze.com in exchange for my honest review. 


  1. I know what you mean about certain books not being right for the reader. I encounter books like that sometimes too and normally, they're novels everyone else (or it seems so) loved. *sigh* Ah, well. This is part of the reason why it's so good to know (within reason) what we like best. :)

    So sorry you didn't care for this one, Hayden.

  2. I know; it's especially terrible when I'm required to write a review and can't get out of it :/

    I'm glad you enjoyed this one, though! :)

  3. It saddens me that some authors and film-makers seem to think Medieval= Torture. I said in my own review of the last book that I felt, from a historical standpoint that the descriptions of torture weren't just inaccurate- they were so extreme as to be slightly unbelievable.
    Torture really was not that commmon in the Medieval world, and I can say with confidence that they did not boil people alive for stealing.

    Its almost like the worst tortures imaginable were found (or made up), and then applied to the most trivial offences, and then it was made out that these were 'normal' punishments at the time, for nothing more than shock value.
    They really weren't.


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