In Good Company


In Good Company
Jen Turano
Bethany House

After spending her childhood in an orphanage, Millie Longfellow is determined to become the best nanny the East Coast has ever seen. Unfortunately, her playfulness and enthusiasm tend to bring about situations that have employers looking askance at her methods. After her most recent dismissal, Millie is forced to return yet again to an employment agency.

Everett Mulberry has suddenly and quite unexpectedly found himself responsible for three children he’s never met. Attempting fatherhood while also pacifying the less-than-thrilled socialite he intends to marry is made even more complicated when the children scare off every nanny he hires. About to depart for Newport, Rhode Island, for the summer, he’s desperate for competent childcare.

At wit’s end with both Millie and Everett, the employment agency gives them one last chance–with each other. Everett is wary of Millie’s penchant for disaster, and she’s not entirely keen on another snobby, grumpy employer, but they’re both out of options. As Millie falls in love with her mischievous charges and tries to stay one step ahead of them, Everett is more focused on achieving the coveted status of society’s upper echelons. As he investigates the suspicious circumstances surrounding the children’s parents’ death, will it take the loss of those he loves to learn whose company he truly wants for the rest of his life?

   I enjoyed After a Fashion a lot, so I was really looking forward to In Good Company. While this novel did have its good points, overall it didn't quite impress me.

   Part of the reason I might not have enjoyed this one so much are because I have a couple historical fiction pet peeves- most notably, the use of first names among characters. I can understand Everett and Millie using first names. Sure, it isn't quite appropriate considering their stations, but to the modern reader titles can seem very formal and aloof between hero and heroine. But literally, nearly everyone was using first names. I mean, five minutes after they'd met, Everett's mother was telling Millie to call her Dorothy. Even today I wouldn't do that, and I highly doubt a woman in Mrs. Mulberry's position would ask her to do so! Again, this probably won't bother most people...but it does make me wince.

   Then again, I wouldn't say these books are strictly accurate to history anyway. I knew that coming in to them, so I don't expect it. But the first names thing is a personal annoyance of mine, and at times the plot of In Good Company was a little contrived and inconsistent.

   However, I did enjoy the book. I didn't like it as much as After a Fashion, but it had some funny bits and the characters were interesting. Personally, I'm really looking forward to the last book, Playing the Part. Lucetta is one of my favorite characters, and the synopsis sounds intriguing!

Rating: 7

I received this book for free from the publisher in exchange for my honest review. 


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