Prince of Demargen


Prince of Demargen
E. Kaiser Writes
Hearth Books

The third in a book series based on Hans Christian Anderson's The Snow Queen and heavily influenced by Frozen, Prince of Demargen is the story of the disgraced Prince Hess- a character reminiscent of a certain Disney villain.

While I admit I was a little worried with the whole retelling-of-Frozen aspect, it worked in this particular book. After all, most of us who enjoyed the movie were a little curious about Prince Hans's deeper motives and what happened to him afterward. Prince of Demargen blends the movie with the original fairy tale into a backstory/explanation that makes a lot of sense. It's sort of like fanfiction, except that all the names are changed. :)

The first half of this was a little slow, but it really picked up for me in the last half, once the other characters of the previous books were introduced.

There were sometimes the language of the tale didn't quite match up; most of the story was told in flowing, old-fashioned fairy-tale speak, and then suddenly there was a more modern phrase stuck in there that could be a little jarring. Also, I noticed a few technical errors- nothing so major as to distract from the story, but they were still present. Even so, I found this book enjoyable. There were discussion questions at the end of each chapter, which I feel might have been geared toward a younger age group, but I actually ended up getting pretty used to them and they did actually make me think a little more about what I was reading.

This particular book is third in the series, and while I haven't read the previous two stories, I was never lost- probably because I knew what it was based on and so could fill in the gaps. Overall, for fans of fairy tales- and Frozen, especially-  The Prince of Denmargen is definitely of interest.

Rating: 7 1/2

I received this book for free from the author in exchange for my honest review.


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