Fatal Exchange


Fatal Exchange
Lisa Harris

Emily Hunt might come from a family of cops, but she never goes looking for an adrenaline rush. She lives the quiet–well, relatively quiet–life of a teacher and thrives on making a difference in the lives of her students. But she’ll have to draw on a well of strength and savvy she didn’t know she had as student Rafael Cerda takes her class hostage for ransom money to save his brother’s life.
Undercover cop Mason Taylor has been working with Rafael to find his brother and bring the cartel thugs who hold him to justice. Can he talk Rafael down from his impulsive actions? And is there something more sinister at work here than he realizes?

Fatal Exchange draws readers into a complex matrix of intertwining lives and unraveling secrets, where every answer creates more questions. Romantic suspense fans will hardly want to come up for air.

I probably wouldn’t have picked up this book had I known from the beginning it was second in a series (this is the third book or so where I’ve done that…I’m really hoping it doesn’t start to be a habit…) but even so, I enjoyed it. I haven’t read any romantic suspense books in quite some time, so I was looking forward to something exciting!

I ended up really liking the suspense aspect of the book, but didn’t care for the romance, as I didn’t find the relationship very distinctive or interesting; it felt just kind of generic. Of course, most of the book focused more on the suspense plot than the romance anyway, so it wasn’t too bad. I thought the ending of the book after the climax had passed went on a little long- until I got to the last page, which was great and got me interested for the next book. However, even though I thought the ending dragged a bit, the rest of the book was wonderfully fast-paced, which is the reason Fatal Exchange stood out for me. The actual writing was so-so, but so many things were happening so quickly I practically didn't notice! A nice change of pace from the novels I'm normally drawn to, and recommended to anyone who likes suspense. 

Rating: 7 1/2 

Objectionable Content: this book deals with a drug/crime ring and has a lot of shooting/ intense situations, including a hold-up at a school. There's a kiss or two.

I received this book for free from the publisher in exchange for my honest review.


  1. Curious about this one as I enjoyed the first in the series - it read "differently" than the average suspense and that was what made it stand out. :)


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